Elsewhere in Otago

Oamaru Badminton Club
All ages, at the Oamaru Squash & Badminton Club, Tyne St, Oamaru. Sessions several times a week
Contact: Blair Middlemass Ph 021 174 1961, and/orĀ moc.liamgnull@sroinujogatohtron.

Roxburgh Badminton
Badminton is held at the school gym during the winter months, evenings and start date tba, rackets available, for more info contact Daniel 0211236267.

There are other active clubs/playing groups through Otago, including in South Otago, Arrowtown, Wanaka, Queenstown, Alexander, Owaka. Many have Facebooks pages or websites so contact via that means, or get in touch withzn.gro.ogatonotnimdabnull@yraterces for more information.